Monday, February 15, 2016

I dreamt

that you just
woke up
after a bad day
but a good night's
as you had so many times
and Gianni prayed you would
and we smiled softly
I said good morning
with more conviction
than I felt
and stroked your
soft wisps of hair
and prepared for the
two person ritual
of sitting you up
changing your damp
washing you down with
a warm cloth
putting your feet
in the warm soapy water
Jesus had that right
having your feet washed
is a sublime pleasure
I hope
I dressed and
laid you down comfortably
like it was all
just a bad dream
I dreamt
that you came back
and I thought
they did an EKG
they knew you were dead
but here you were
and I thought
how did it feel to be trapped in there
how did you get out
and I helped you get into bed
one last time

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