Saturday, May 28, 2016

It never leaves you

Fifty years ago today
our young lives changed 
I was twelve

That morning my older brother knocked on my bedroom door and said
c’mon Ker, we’ve gotta go over to the neighbor’s  
I didn’t ask why 

As I walked out of my bedroom 
a policeman walked out of my mother’s 
and closed the door 
I thought, what’s she done this time

My younger brother and I went to the neighbor’s 
The only people who had befriended my mother 
and seemed to enjoy her company 
she could be the life of the party
and tolerated her alcoholism 

Later that morning I spoke to a friend on the phone 
she said she’d seen them take my mother away on a stretcher 
and that there was blood on the pillow 

Eventually I was told 

she was dead 

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Mirror horizons

The sea meets the shore
And stretches
From transparent
Blue green to deep blue green

The twilit sky meets
The mountain ridge
And stretches
From translucent
Blue green to deep
Blue green

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Erotically grotesque or obscenely attractive

Tall full and supple
Strong dark ashen tinged features focus the
Penetrating gaze
Half closed dark eyes blink
Massive breasts heave
Nostrils flare
As smoke seeps slowly through full cracked lips

Sunday, May 15, 2016


Crushing vast beds
Of Acacia petals
on hot wet asphalt

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Too close to call

My body wants more
My heart is saying caution
My mind asks why me