Thursday, April 30, 2020

Lockdown The End

On Monday we can move about freely, with conditions. Masks and gloves required and keeping our distance. It will be very unlike usual. Inhibiting.  

When you walk out that door in the coming days did you learn anything about yourself? 

Did you learn about what you really need and what you don’t? Who you really need in your life, and who you don’t? Who you will tolerate and who you won’t? What’s really important to you and what isn’t? 

What could you not have done without? For me it was reading material and dessert. A lot of one and a little of the other. One cup of strong sugarless tea a day. 

What will change and what won’t? I’ll probably keep to the limited shopping schedule and shop for more than just a couple of days at a time. When bars and restaurants open up in a few weeks I can’t really see myself hanging out in mask and gloves, so I may give that a miss for a while. 

This isn’t a get out of jail free card. We will not pass go or collect $200. 

But when we do walk out that door, spring is at our doorstep and summer is around the corner. Though nothing will be as it was, for some time to come, everything will be as it is. 

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