Today is Saturday, March 14, 2020. On Saturday mornings in Barga you
usually find throngs of genial outdoor market goers, and the
supermarket full of happy shoppers laughing and chatting away to
friends, relatives, strangers, and possibly even enemies, alike. It's
a day at the Fair.
Today, on this cool, overcast but bright spring morning, as I headed
for the supermarket, the streets were almost empty.
A few utility and service vehicles rattled by. When I approached the
store and blinked away the glare my heart sank to see that there was
indeed a line to enter. It wasn't long, maybe a dozen people, 10 to 15
minutes wait. It was too demoralizing to take a photo.
The people were unusually calm and quiet but, as always,
pleasant and polite. We smiled and shrugged to
one another. What else is there to do? We said silently. The
supermarket was in its normal orderly state except for taped lines of
demarcation, stand here, maintain the distance, they read, the clerks,
even more of their usual pleasant, patient selves. I returned through
still almost empty streets.
For the last few days I've been mostly inside reading, drawing,
staring out the window at my beautiful view and feeling fortunate but
a little sad. Although accustomed to a solitary existence, this is
different, but it also has the heartening effect that at least I know
I'm not missing anything out there.
Everything is in slomo. I make nice meals patiently, and enjoy them
slowly. There's absolutely no rush to do anything. Now would be a good
time to tackle spring cleaning. But even that can wait a little as
this is going to be the situation for at least a couple of weeks and I
can put that on the list of things to do and work through it slowly
and thoroughly. I cut and put together a wedding dress commission
which will not happen as scheduled but will happen eventually.
I'm enjoying my usual habit of taking what I call wild romps through
the internet, clicking from link to link in an effort to follow a
research thread. The latest was the word shrive, which came up in my
now third reading of Ulysses. Why not, I have nothing but time.
Baths are my favorite indulgence and I can enjoy them with abandon and
add to that going braless and wearing sweat pants with impunity. I
ain't goin nowhere, and no one’s coming to visit. In considering some
online purchases I thought of a choice between buying books or
a vibrator. Books won.
Keeping to an orderly schedule, going for a solitary walk, thinking
long and hard. The weather is helping, trees are blooming pink,
as spring has crept up on us almost imperceptibly because we had
no winter to speak of and we weren't anxiously looking around every
corner for its arrival.
There is none of the usual clatter of cars passing or buses honking
down on the main road or delightful chatter going on below outside
my window. All I hear are the birds.